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Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

The Blues Scale On The Guitar

[NC11-AM] There is not a "heavy metal" scale. Not a "country" scale. But there is a blues scale on the guitar. And this blues scale is not just used in blues music. But it will definitely add a bluesy sound to what ever style you plug it into.

A blues scale is nothing more than a minor pentatonic scale with an added note. That added note is sometimes referred to as the "blue note". That particular note creates a certain amount of tension that is a common sound in the blues.

Below is a basic minor pentatonic scale form, and then that same form with the addition of the "blue note".....appropriately

Basic minor pentatonic
minor pentatonic guitar scale grid
watch realplayer video

Basic blues
blues scale guitar grid
watch realplayer video

= Numbers show the suggested fingering
= Scale root
= Added blue note

The blues scale only consists of 6 different note names. But when playing a blues scale on the guitar you are going to play more than just 6 notes. You are going to play all of the possible places for those 6 notes within one position.

A C blues scale consists of the notes C E F G G and B. Below are the names of all of the notes in a basic C blues scale form. 

|--C--|-----|-----|-E--| -1st string
|--C--|-----|-----|-E--| -6th string
  8th fret 

So you see that there are only 6 different note names. Once you reach the 6th note, you will start back with the C note again.

|--1--|-----|-----|--2--| -1st string
|--1--|-----|-----|--2--| -6th string
  8th fret

So keep in mind as you play the other blues scale forms found in this lesson, they will not neatly start and end on the root of the scale. They are just forms that cover all of the note possibilities in an entire position.

The blues scale formula

A scale formula shows how the notes relate to a major scale with the same root. The major scale is the constant to which you compare all other scales. The formula for a major scale is just 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. There are only 7 different notes in a major scale. The numbers in a scale formula are sometimes referred to as the scale functions. That just means that each note in a scale has a certain sound or role in relationship to the root of the scale. So a D note functions as the 2 in a C major scale.

C D E F G A B C - C major scale
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 - scale functions

Therefore if any note in a particular scale is different than the major scale with the same root, you will show how it is altered by a (sharp) or a (flat) symbol. A sharp raises the pitch of a note by a half step (1 fret), and flat lowers the pitch by a half step.

So the scale formula for a blues scale is 1 3 4 5 5 7. In a C blues scale there is an E, and in a C major scale there is an E. So you call the E a 3 since is is a half step lower than the 3rd note in a C major scale.

C E F G G B C - C blues scale
1 3 4 5 5 7 1 - scale functions

Here is the scale formula applied to the basic blues scale form. Understanding the function of each note helps you to train your ear to know what a particular note will sound like, before you play it.

|--1--|-----|-----|-3--| -1st string
|--1--|-----|-----|-3--| -6th string
  8th fret

5 positions of an A blues scale

You should think of the following 5 scale forms as 5 pieces of a puzzle. The notes to the right in one form, will be the same as the notes to the left in the next highest form. You can see this in the 2 forms listed below.

Here you can see the 2 forms from above combined together. 


Here are the 5 positions of an A blues scale. The basic form that you have already learned is the 2nd one listed here. Each scale form is listed in 2 different ways. To the left you will see the how the scale formula is applied to the scale form, and to the right you will see a suggested fingering. The names that I have given for each of these scales are not universal. They only reflect the order that I am introducing them in this lesson. 

These forms should be transposed to other keys as well as A. In order to do this, you will need to know where the roots are in each scale form. You will also need to study the relationship of the adjacent scale forms. See how they fit together.

Blues scale form 1

Scale functions

        3rd fret

Suggested fingering

        3rd fret

Blues scale form 2

Scale functions

  5th fret

Suggested fingering

  5th fret

Blues scale form 3

Scale functions

        8th fret

Suggested fingering

        8th fret
Alternate fingerings for blues scale form 3
Because of the way that the notes fall on the neck of the guitar, there are a few different ways that you can finger blues scale form 3. Which one you use really depends on where you came from, and where you are going. All of them are valid ways to play the scale in different situations.

Here is the way that was listed on the previous page.

        8th fret

This fingering is common if you are going up in the scale. It is more awkward coming back down.

              8th fret

This fingering is common coming back down, but more awkward going up. 

        8th fret

A lot of times you will use your 2nd finger to make the shift in positions on the 3rd string as you are going up.

        8th fret 
Equally as common is to use your 1st finger to make the position change on the 3rd string as you are headed back down

        8th fret 

Blues scale form 4

Scale functions

        10th fret

Suggested fingering

        10th fret

Blues scale form 5

Scale functions

       12th fret

Suggested fingering

       12th fret

Alternate fingerings for blues scale form 5
Because of the way that the notes fall on the neck of the guitar, there are a couple of different ways that you can finger blues scale form 5. Which one you use really depends on where you came from, and where you are going. All of them are valid ways to play the scale in different situations.

Here is the way that was listed on the previous page. This is used more when going up the scale.

       12th fret 

This is basically the same form as above, but is more common when coming back down in the scale.

       12th fret

It is also common to shift up on the 2nd string like in the following fingering. 

       12th fret

Blues scale form 1 an octave higher
After form 5, the next higher position is form 1 again only starting an octave higher at the 15th fret.

Scale functions

       15th fret

Suggested fingering

        15th fret

5 positions of the A blues scale

Scale functions

        3rd fret

  5th fret

        8th fret

        10th fret

       12th fret

Suggested fingering

        3rd fret

  5th fret

        8th fret

        10th fret

       12th fret

Extended blues scale forms

The best way to think of these extended blues scale forms is as connections between the 5 position forms that you just learned.

A Blues (extended form 1)
scale functions

   |                                                     |
  3rd fret                                             12th fret

Suggested fingering

   |                                                     |
  3rd fret                                             12th fret

Below is a diagram that shows how the individual forms fit into this bigger extended form.
|______form 1_____| 
            |______form 2_____|  
                        |_________form 3________|  
                                          |______form 4_____|  

A Blues (extended form 2)
scale functions

   |                                                     |
  8th fret                                             17th fret

Suggested fingering

   |                                                     |
  8th fret                                             17th fret

Below is a diagram that shows how the individual forms fit into this bigger extended form.
|______form 3_____| 
            |______form 4_____|  
                        |_________form 5________|  
                                          |______form 1_____|

Extended forms of the A blues scale

A Blues (extended form 1)
scale functions

   |                                                     |
  3rd fret                                             12th fret

Suggested fingering

   |                                                     |
  3rd fret                                             12th fret

A Blues (extended form 2)
scale functions

   |                                                     |
  8th fret                                             17th fret

Suggested fingering

   |                                                     |
  8th fret                                             17th fret

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