Seperti postingan tentang The Siamese Monster, komposisi drum yang dipakai akan dijabarkan secara detail dengan drum yang menggunakan hardware TAMA. Daripada berbelit-belit, mari kita perhatikan ukuran yang sudah dinomori pada gambar di bawah ini.
Drumset: Tama StarClassic Mirage Crystal Ice A. 433mm Octoban B. 472mm Octoban C. 536mm Octoban D. 600mm Octoban E. 8x8 tom F. 9x10 tom G. 10x12 tom H. 5½x14 tom I. 16x16 floor tom J. 5½x14 Melody Master snare K. 18x22 bass drum L. 18x22 bass drum M. 536mm Octoban N. 600 mm Octoban O. 5x13 single headed tom P. 14.14 floor tom Q. 16x16 floor tom R. 14x20 gong drum S. 5x12 Melody Master snare T. 18x20 bass drum
Accessories: LP, Roland, Tama: aa. LP 515 Studio bar chimes bb. Roland PD-8 trigger pad cc. LP mountable Cyclops tambourine dd. Pro-Mark JSBG stick bag ee. Buttkicker Concert seat subwoofers ff. Tama HT430 Round Rider throne
Cymbals: Sabian 1. 14" AAX Stage hats 2. 14" extra thin crash 3. 18" HHX Chinese 4. 18" HHX Studio crash 5. 8" Max Stax 6. 7" Max Stax 7. 9" Max Stax 8. 10" Max Stax 9. 7" Radia Bell 10. 18" AA medium thin crash 11. 20" HHX Chinese 12. 22" HH Rock ride 13. 19" Fierce Crash 14. 14" Max Stax 15. medium propeller 16. 13" HHX Stage hats 17. small propeller 18. 9" Max Splash 19. 16" HHXtreme crash 20. 20" AA El Sabor ride 21. 18" AAX Stage crash 22. 10" Max Splash 23. 11" Max Splash hi-hats 24. LP mountable cowbell 25. LP Rock Ridge Rider cowbell 26. 20" AA Chinese 27. 8" Radia flat bell 28. large propeller 29. 28" Zodiac gong (not shown, behind kit) 30. Roland Rhythm Coach (cowbell) 31. drink table holding one cup of blue sports drink and one bottle of water
Hardware: Tama, including Iron Cobra Rolling Glide bass drum pedals, all cymbals locked on with clear Slicknuts.
Heads: Remo CS (black dot) on snare batter, Ambassador snare-side, clear Emperors on tops of toms, clear Ambassadors on bottoms, Powerstroke 3 on kick batters with clear Emperors on front (with silver 6″ holes).
Sticks: Pro-Mark MP420 Millenium II (hickory), MT-3 mallets, Hot Rods
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